Whole Family Care

Our team of practitioners are here to nurture you and your family on every step of your journey. From the very first phone call, to the moment you step through our doors, we ensure you are cared for like you’re already part of our WOMB family.

Unlike traditional centres, we look at the whole individual when caring for your self-development, healing, and growth. Discover our wide range of wholistic services below.


Your Home Away From Home
That Welcomes You With Hearts Wide Open

Our Guelph wholeness centre is designed to be that home away from home, with a heart-wide-open community. Whether you’re coming in for tea or a chat, we welcome you to stay a while even without an appointment booked.

Need childminding during your appointment? No problem, we’ll take care of your little ones so you can fully focus on YOU.

With a wholistic family centre that feels this much like home you won’t ever want to leave.


Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care at The WOMB is focused on nurturing and connecting with the innate intelligence inside of every individual. The WOMB chiropractors use gentle, manual therapies and spinal manipulations that will increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to the joints…


Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathy seeks to identify and treat the root cause of illness and look at the body as a whole system functioning together. By using the body’s own ability to heal, and effective, natural therapies, our team can help you feel optimal today…


Pelvic Physiotherapy

Pelvic health physiotherapists have received specialized education in pelvic floor dysfunction and are trained to determine the state of the pelvic floor. For the core muscles to properly function, the pelvic floor has to be working optimally…

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy at The Womb is an integration of Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation, gentle joint mobilization and Matrix Repatterning - the physical techniques of Osteopathy - combined with dialogue, breathwork…


Lactation & Infant Feeding Support

The WOMB lactation consultants assist mothers with establishing and sustaining breastfeeding, even in the midst of difficulties and high risk situations that can arise. They are sensitive to the needs of both mothers and babies, and work to help…


Massage Therapy

Massage therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health…


Counselling & Coaching

Coaching & Counselling provides virtual and in-person coaching and counselling for all life stages. The approach helps individuals grow through a creative blend of deep listening, mindfulness, intuition, meditation, and practical strategies…

Fitness, Pilates & Yoga

Prenatal and postnatal fitness, Pilates & Yoga trainers are certified trainers who have taken additional training and testing in the unique population of prenatal and postnatal women. They are specialized in the specific exercise and general diet…


Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists focus on a persons ‘occupations’ which are the activities we have to door want to do everyday. In children these are eating, sleeping, self-care skills, play, school or daycare. In adults, we commonly assess and treat people whose physical or mental health is impacting their ability to participate in the activities that matter most to them…..


Osteopathy is a manual form of holistic therapy including cranio-sacral therapy that treats the entire individual including infants, children, adolescents, athletes, and adults. The focus of Osteopathy is to find the cause of the pathology or pain…


Orthopedic Physiotherapy

Orthopedic physiotherapy involves the care of your entire musculoskeletal system, which includes: your bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, joints and connective tissue. The physiotherapist can evaluate your condition and determine a plan…


Birth, Postnatal and Fertility Doulas

The WOMB Doulas are a team of doulas and childbirth educators committed to providing expectant and new parents with exceptional emotional, physical, and educational nurturing, love and service…


Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is similar to physical therapy, but is specific for airway support and orofacial development. It targets the oral and facial muscles including the mouth, face, lips and tongue…

Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture focuses specifically on the face. It involves going over facial goals (decreasing fine lines, puffiness, and acne) and developing a treatment plan…

Speech Language Services

Speech Language Services offered by our Speech and Language team providing evaluation, treatment, and prevention of paediatric speech, language, literacy and feeding challenges across neuro-typical and neuro-divergant population.

Scar Tissue Release

An efficient and non-invasive method of healing all scars, even those from caesarean sections (c-sections) using the Dolphin Neurostim Device for MPS Therapy. Within the body, scars cause adhesions, stress and reduce blood and lymphatic circulation. This creates abnormal strain patterns that affect muscles, joints, and organs, which can lead to pain and dysfunction


A dedicated space to connect and grow together